From our side, we salute this little experiment an experiment which further explains why companies are making their games ‘online-only’. It’s also hilarious that this game only costs $7.99 and is DRM-free, yet people will still download such indie titles no matter what. Which is what is happening to all indie studios. After all, everyone – in-game – was pirating their game and as the result of that, their virtual game development company was going bankrupt. So, as players spend a few hours playing and growing their own game dev company, they will start to see the following message, styled like any other in-game message.” Naturally, a lot of those who pirated the game asked in various forums why they were getting that message, and claimed that the game was unplayable. As Patrick, one of the Game Dev Tycoon’s creators, said: “Initially we thought about telling them their copy is an illegal copy, but instead we didn’t want to pass up the unique opportunity of holding a mirror in front of them and showing them what piracy can do to game developers.
#Game dev tycoon pirated to death cracked
The catch? The cracked version featured an anti-piracy measure that makes it almost impossible for gamers to proceed. Thus, they released a cracked version of the game themselves, minutes after opening their Store. However, the team decided to run an experiment and see whether the pirated version of their game would be more successful than the priced one.

Game Dev Tycoon is created by two people who wanted to offer gamers what they’ve always wanted a DRM-free game that only costs $7.99. Behold Game Dev Tycoon a previous unknown indie title that has been made famous by its clever anti-piracy measures.

Remember Croteam’s immortal Scorpion that was present in the pirated versions of Serious Sam 3? Such an amazing anti-piracy measure, right? Some of you may even consider it as the best of its kind, however we have a new contender for this category.